poniedziałek, 9 marca 2009


First of all I want to thank you for all very kind words you mail me. It's so precious to me.
I don't know if four-leaf clover is the symbol of good luck and happiness all aroud the world. You tell me:)! In Poland certainly it is. So let me show you Retro Charms with just these -bringing us luck- dried plants. This pendants are already sold. But if you find them tempting - write me - I'll create new especially for you to enhance your luck:)

2 komentarze:

Paola pisze...

scusami se ti scrivo in italiano!
volevo spere il prezzo delle tue meraviglie e ti chiedevo se avevano il vetro. grazie e complimnenti

I'm sorry if I write you in Italian! I wanted to know the price of your marvelous and I was wondering if you had the glass. thanks and complimennti


Paola pisze...

mio indirizzo paolagiambiasi@gmail.com